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Dangerous Plants

Plant Name   Dangerous Parts/Toxins
Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia) All parts
Monks Hood Root
Fox Glove Leaves
Dutchman’s Breeches Foliage and roots
Night Shade All parts
Poison Hemlock All parts
Jimson Weed (Thorn Apple) All parts
Gold Chain Seed Pods
Rhododendron All parts
Wild and Cultivated cherries Twigs and Foliage
Elderberry Choots, stem and leaves
Black Locust Bark, sprouts and foliage
Jack-in-the-Pulpit All parts–including roots
Bird-of-Paradise Seeds and pods
Christmas Rose All parts
Lords and Ladies All parts
Bittersweet All parts
English Ivy All parts
Oleander All parts–even smoke from burning it
Larkspur Young plants and seeds
Iris Underground stem
Water Hemlock All parts
Buttercups All parts
Rhubarb Leaf
Daphine Berries
Wisteria Seeds and pods
Laurel All parts
Azaleas All parts
Yew Berries and foliage
Oaks Foliage and acorns
Moonseed Berries
Mayapple Apple, foliage and roots
Tomato Vines
Apple Seeds
Amaryllis Bulb
Delphinium All parts
Bloodroot All parts
Wild Mushroom All parts

Other Poisonous Plants

Black-Eyed-Susan Star-of-Bethlehem Rosary Pea
Golden Glow Poppies Castor Bean
Cornflower Lantana Tung Nuts
Sweet Peas Poinsettia Jessamine (yellow)
Bleeding Heart Alocasia English and Black Walnuts
Caladium Philodendrons Morning Glory
Elephant Ears Wild Call Stinging Nettle
Climbing or Glory Lily Skunk Cabbage Tobacco
Autumn Crocus Mistletoe Marijuana

Teach your dog to chew *only* his/her toys.

Watch what your dog eats in the garden; even be careful of the stick you pick up to throw for the dog while in the woods.

Symptoms: (may include some or all) trembling, abdominal pain (may be evident by hunch back, rigid stance with whining), rapid breathing, vomiting, convulsions, depression and coma.

These may occur rapidly or over a period of many hours, depending on the cause. If poisoning is suspected, induce vomiting *AT ONCE*. A most effective method is to administer about a teaspoon per 5 pounds of body weight, of HYDROGEN PEROXIDE by mouth. If vomiting does not occur within 5 to 10 minutes, the dose may be repeated at least 2 more times.

Example: A husky may require 3 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, if the husky weighs 50 pounds.


Also check with your veterinarian about what common wild flowers are in your area. If you suspect toxic plant poisoning, take the plant and your dog to your vet so that she/he might have a better chance in selecting the right antidote.

Some other common poisonous substances for your dog are grapes, raisins, and chocolate. Remember to put presents containing chocolate out of the reach of dogs! Often a dog will smell the chocolate in a present under a Christmas tree, open it, and eat all the chocolate. Even wrapping chocolate does not hide it from your dog.

Dogs like grapes and raisins, because the sugar attracts them. These are poisonous to your dog, so please make sure your dog has no opportunity to eat them. Onions also are in this category, and they are especially attractive to your dog when fried.

ASPCA Pet Poison Hotline
The ASPCA has a new poison control hotline phone number for pets. This is the only dedicated animal poison control hotline in the world manned by veterinarians, not telephone operators. The number is staffed 24/7 at 888-4ANI-HELP or 888-426-4435.