Home > Adoption Information > So You Want to Adopt a Samoyed?

So You Want to Adopt a Samoyed?

 The Samoyed has a double coat, the undercoat being wool. It is strong
and warm.  The coat is odorless, the outer coat is coarse, long and the
tips have a silver glint.  The lovely white coat requires regular
brushing to remove debris and to maintain a tangle free appearance.   A
coat that is ignored can become matted and retain dirt and debris.  The
Samoyed generally will shed twice a year, and any owner must accept the
idea that every Samoyed comes with a full coat which will be
everywhere.Samoyeds should never be shaved down, and this can cause
long term damage to the coat.  Proper maintenance of the coat is a
must. Please read our article on shaving northern breed dogs.

The Samoyed personality can be a challenge to the inexperienced owner.
Like most northern breeds, the Samoyed obeys out of respect.  The Samoyed that
is handled with respect will comply with love and patience.

Samoyeds, like all northern breeds, must be trained.  When training a
Samoyed it is important to remember that a command once given, must be obeyed.  It
is best to begin training when the dog is young, and MAINTAIN THE
TRAINING!  Arctic dogs train differently from other non northern
breeds, so learn about training the arctic breeds before starting
training, or you may become frustrated.  Stimulation is helpful when training.

Northern breeds of dogs cannot be deprived of human relationships, and the
Samoyed deprived of sufficient human stimulation will become bored, and
may engage in behaviors such as digging.  They are excellent excavators by
nature.  A young dog may also become a problem chewer.

A fenced-in yard is a must for a Samoyed for these reasons:
1.  The dog must get exercise, and be protected from automobiles.
2.  To protect the dog from theft.  The Sammy’s friendly nature and
willingness to ride in any automobile makes it vulnerable to being stolen.
3.  The herding instinct is very strong. The Samoyed will chase a rabbit
willingly, and refuse to obey a command to come while herding.
4.  The Samoyed coat is a great attractor of debris, and one romp can
result in a major coat problem.  The coat can be time consuming to
clean, and be costly.

The Samoyed is a “talky dog”.  With encouragement, this dog will voice
pleasures and dislikes.  The Samoyed will also communicate with paw or
nose, using the nose to press softly under any idle human arm for attention.
The Samoyed learns to shake hands readily, and learns to use paws to open
doors, and play with toys.

Samoyeds are sensitive.  A Samoyed is generally very people-oriented, and
senses human emotions quickly.  As most northern dogs, the Samoyed must
have a pack, and looks to the master as pack leader.  When treated with love
and respect, the Samoyed will return it well multiplied.  The physical
environment is less important to a Samoyed than the human one.  This
means the Samoyed needs human attention daily.  It is a member of the
family, and will let you know when it is unhappy with the relationship.

At the Arctic Dog Rescue and Training Center, we often say that the old
adage, “An idle mind is the Devil’s Workshop.” originated with the
owners of northern breed dogs. If you want a low maintenance dog,
content to lie about in a back yard sleeping, and having a bowl of food
thrown at it when convenient, and minimal attention for weeks at a
time–don’t adopt a Samoyed–or any other northern breed.  These dogs
require your presence–in mind and body, and a Sammy knows when it is
being short changed in the relationship.

If you can truly bring yourself to being thoroughly loved; being the
center of the universe for an attractive companion who is playful,
devoted, loyal, energetic, sometimes sassy, talkative, innovative, and
enthusiastic about you all the time . . . then just maybe you are ready
for a Samoyed.

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